A Missed Call
A Call, an Opportunity
A missed call means missed opportunity. At caller’s end it will go unanswered call but at your end it will be a missed call. Whether it was a new query from a potential customer or a follow-up call from an existing customer who wanted to place another order, the call that you just failed to pick up could affect your bottom line. It is not possible to say with any certainty just how much money any particular missed call will cost your firm but we can tell you that the consequences will surely frighten you if unanswered calls are a regular occurrence in your office. These lines are for the companies which are just doing normal everyday businesses.
Bigger responsibility at our end. But if we come to the perspective of a business which is related to hospitals/healthcare then the loss of missed call is even bigger. It can affect both money and your rapport. When we talk about healthcare then callers are not just normal callers wanting to order a food delivery or calling to place an order for a decoration piece, the callers in this industry are calling most of the times with their specific and very significant needs and expect that the persons on the other end are responsible and on their toes to help them